An exit component that serves to meet one or more means of egress design requirements, such as required number of exits or exit access traveldistance, and is open to yards, courts or public ways.
Internal and external exit ramps may be used as exits in lieu of internal and external exit staircases |
The slope of the ramp shall not be steeper than 1 in 10, and they shall be open on at least one side. Exit ramps shall be straight with changes in direction being made at level platforms or landings only, except that exit ramps having a slope not greater than 1 in 12 at any place may be curved. |
Ramps must be separated from the interior of the building in the same manner as for interior exit stairways |
All exit ramps shall be constructed of non-combustible materials to have the necessary fire resistance rating as exit staircase. Similarly, the width of the exit ramp shall have the adequate exit capacity to receive the occupant load from the floor space it serves.
All exit ramps shall be provided with non-slip surface finishes, and |